Friday, December 30, 2022

Latin Americans in History

I am SO excited to share that my newest book is now available for pre-order! Latin Americans in History: 15 Inspiring Latinas and Latinos You Should Know (aff link) was wonderful to research and write and I hope that you will all run out (or get online) and buy a copy! This book is a collection of biographies written for children ages 8 to 12 years old. It introduces them to a few well-known (and some not so well-known) figures of Latin American heritage in history.

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Teaching Children a More Complete History

One of the most frustrating things that I've noticed over the years is how true Latin American history has been ignored - or erased? - from history books. The only mention that Latin America typically gets in any history curriculum is by way of the Mesoamerican civilizations and the Spanish "discovery" and conquest/colonization of America.

How many historical figures of Latin American heritage can you actually think of? Maybe you think of Rigoberta Menchú or Simón Bolívar or maybe Benito Juárez? If you are familiar with their names AND their stories, then you should give yourself a pat on the back because you are in the minority.

Latin Americans in History: Biographies for Children

My book was written to introduce children ages 8 to 12 to some of the remarkable men and women of Latin American heritage who have made a difference in their countries and on world history. These 15 inspiring Latinas and Latinos are:

  • José Gervasio Artigas
  • Simón Bolívar
  • María Piedad Castillo de Levi
  • Guillo Pérez
  • Antônio Carlos Jobim
  • Gabriel García Márquez
  • Violeta Barrios Torres de Chamorro
  • Dolores Huerta
  • Rita Moreno
  • Pope Francis
  • Isabel Allende
  • Franklin Chang-Díaz
  • Gloria Estefan
  • Rigoberta Menchú
  • Cecilia Tait
In no way should these be considered the best or the most important figures to learn about. These 15 extraordinary figures barely touch the surface of the many, many noteworthy people who have loved their culture and fought for their people, countries, or traditions. 

The names chosen for profiles in this book were based on their diversity and representation. You will find an artist, musician, novelist, scientist, athlete, activist, suffragist, actor, and a Pope. They come from the U.S. and throughout Latin America, including Uruguay, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua, Argentina, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Peru.

Perhaps your children will recognize some of these names - or maybe they won't. And that's why I wrote this book. To help them learn, admire, and find confidence. 

And I'd like to give a huge shout out to Kristina Rodriguez, the talented illustrator whose artwork graces the pages of this book. Her beautiful portraits help children visualize the individuals we've highlighted in this biography.

Lesson Plans for Latin Americans in History

My book is available on Amazon - you can order it now

I am also making lesson plans for each individual chapter biography. They'll be available over the next few months. I'll update this post with links as they become available.

A Note About Brazil and Tom Jobim

Tom Jobim was a brilliant Brazilian musician. However, if you ask Brazilians or people of Brazilian heritage if they are Latin Americans, you may get different answers. The question of whether or not Brazil is part of Latin America remains controversial because it was a Portuguese colony, not a Spanish one. Therefore, it has a different history than its neighboring countries. However, in the spirit of inclusivity, Brazil has been included in this book. Just keep this question in mind as you read about Tom Jobim. 

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