Over the years, I've shared some wonderful scholarship opportunities in the form of contests for students. I wanted to put them all together for you to look through, plus add a few more that I've found online that I consider inspirational for families. Most of these provide significant scholarship funds to help college(bound) students. This will be a growing list, so bookmark this page and reference it throughout the year as I discover more contests to add to this list. And if you know of one that's not listed and you think it should be, reach out to me and share it!
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The KidVentor Toy Challenge is for young children ages 6 to 13, who are challenged to come up with the next best toy and a chance for a $2,500 scholarship PLUS have their toy manufactured, marketed, and sold!
Scholarship Contests for Aspiring Writers
The Lune Spark Young Writers Short Story Contest has two categories in which students may compete: ages 10 to 13, and ages 13 to 16. They award $2,000 in cash prizes.
The Hispanic Heritage Month Writing Contest doesn't have a logo, but it begins each year on September 15th and is open to middle and high school students. The winner receives $1,500 in scholarship funds.
The Profile in Courage Essay Contest is hosted by the JFK Presidential Library & Museum, this contest is open to high schoolers and runs September through mid-January. Winners receive between $1,000 to $10,000 in scholarship funds.
Scholarship Contests for Aspiring Artists
The Doodle 4 Google contest is entering its 14th year and remains one of my favorite art contests for students. (The $30K scholarship is nothing to sneeze at either!)
This one actually fits into two categories (art & writing), but I'm placing it here for balance. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are part of the nation's longest running award program for students in 7th through 12th grades.
The Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest challenges young fashion designers to create their prom outfit completely out of Duct tape. The grand prize winners (tux & dress) each win $10K in scholarship money. (My favorite winner was Larissa with her beautiful dress inspired by the Folklorico dresses with a hint of Chiapas.)
Scholarship Contests for Young STEAMers/Scientists

The 3M Young Scientist Challenge is for students in 5th through 8th grade and nurtures their inner problem solver.

The KidVentor Toy Challenge is for young children ages 6 to 13, who are challenged to come up with the next best toy and a chance for a $2,500 scholarship PLUS have their toy manufactured, marketed, and sold!