The following is a sponsored post in collaboration with College Prep Science and MommyMaestra. All opinions are my own.
I've been saying for a while that academic classes are great for high school, but there are several desperately needed courses that are not often on a high school curriculum. They are the classes that teach practical skills to teens to prepare them for life in college and life after graduation.
I have a homeschooled 9th grader and private college prep schooled 11th grader. The two are like night and day in their approaches to school. But I have watched my oldest carefully and seen her develop skills that I know my freshman desperately needs to learn for success not just in high school classes that are getting harder and harder, but also the college courses that are hopefully to come. At the same time, I've been stressing wondering where to start and how to teach him.
So I was VERY pleased to learn that College Prep Science offers a class on Student Success Skills. Read more about it below!
Before going further, I want to note here that MommyMaestra shares homeschool resources for families of all faiths. This particular program has a Christian perspective.
Quick Overview
Program: College Prep ScienceClass: Student Success Skills
Religious Perspective: Christian
Format: Live & Recorded
Grades: 7th - 12th
Price: Tuition is $120 (recorded) or $155 (live)
Self-Paced Online Student Skills Class
In January, I wrote a review about one of the science classes College Prep Science offers. But Greg Landry (the owner) offers more than just science classes through his site. And this Student Success Skills class is one example.
Self-paced (recorded) classes have seven lessons total. The live classes are 4 weeks long. The class includes a .pdf file of excellent printables to supplement the videos. The topics include:
- Taking Notes, Note-Sketching, & Studying
- Test Taking
- Measurement & the Metric (SI) System
- Temperature & Graphing
- The Scientific Method & Lab Reports
- Scientific Notation & Magnitude Perspective
- Statistics, Probability, Accuracy, and Precision
This class is designed to help students learn skills needed for academic success, but also has practical applications for life.
Benefits for Students & Parents
I don't like to make any comparisons to public or private schools when discussing homeschooling. Instead, I prefer to focus on end goals. And if your family's plan is for your child to attend a college or university, then making sure they are equipped with the tools and skills to be successful is really important. Some students learn these in a college preparatory school. And some homeschoolers develop these skills when they take dual-enrollment courses.
But many homeschoolers don't even think about teaching skills for college success. Or they aren't quite sure how to teach them. We're talking skills like note-taking (SO many different and effective ways!), how to write up lab reports, how to study, and how to take tests. For some of us parents, college was a long time ago, if that was the path we chose! I know that I've forgotten a lot of the skills I used for academic achievement. (That's okay. They were important for me in that season of life, and now I have had to learn new skills for a different season!)
So this class totally takes the burden off of me and helps reassure me that my kid is still learning some of these vital tools he's going to need in just a few years. Plus they will really help him as he moves through high school.
Also, the fact that this is worth half a semester, means that this is an excellent choice for summer learning if you choose to school year round, or just want your kids to take a class or two to keep up their learning habits.
The self-paced aspect is just so fantastic as it lets my son learn as quickly or as slowly as he likes. this makes it easier to motivate my son to actually get the work done. Knowing he has control over his own education in that sense is empowering for him.
If you are a parent looking to offer your child a skills class like this one, head over to College Prep Science to register!