Today's stocking stuffer ideas center around giving the gift of language. I had someone request that I share some recommendations for great Spanish CDs for kids. Well, here are my top 5 picks! Some are Spanish-only, and a few are bilingual.
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¡BUENOS DÍAS! is a tour de force celebration of the vibrant music, language, and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. The music transports kids on a magical ride from Spain in Sonidos del flamenco (Sounds of Flamenco) to Mexico's Cascarones (the lively eggshell tradition) to the Andes (Manzanita de Perú and Arbolito de Perú), finally culminating in a trip across the entire Spanish-speaking world in Se Habla Español (We Speak Spanish). Irresistible salsa, merengue, flamenco, reggae, and Andean rhythms encourage kids to sing along as they learn traditional Latin American foods in El Tamal No Está Mal (The Tamale Isn't Bad), animals in ¿Cómo Se Llama La Llama? (What's the Llama's Name?), and musical instruments in Hagamos Música (Let's Make Music). And, in this challenging time for kids and parents, the sensational soprano voice of award-winning Cuban-American singer, Ileana Pérez, soothes the spirit with her exquisite renditions of the beloved Spanish lullaby Duérmete Mi Niño and Niña (Sleep My Little One), and the hauntingly beautiful original lullaby Cuando Llegue La Noche (When the Night Comes). Lyrics, translations, and a vocabulary guide are available for free download as an easy reference guide for parents and teachers. Get ready to say Buenos días to a world of Spanish-learning fun!

from Mister G and José V
A few years ago, I recommended Mister G's album
Mundo Verde as a great gift idea for bilingual kids. While researching for this post, I discovered that he has a NEW bilingual (but mostly Spanish) album out. Created with fellow artist, José V,
Ritmo and Rima had a rocky start since the pandemic hit before they could begin. But the pandemic actually caused the album to grow instead! Before long, they had reached out to musician friends from all over the Americas who were also isolated at home. The album became an international project with players from Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Peru, and the Dominican Republic adding their distinct styles.
The album, Ritmo y Rima (Rhythm & Rhyme), celebrates the vibrant sounds and textures of the Latin world. The samba inspired title track conjures the joyful atmosphere of carnival, “Señorita Mariposa” celebrates the extraordinary migration of the monarch butterfly, while the closing song “Tú y Tú y Yo” is a heartfelt anthem calling for unity across borders and solidarity with those who traverse them.
In a sense, the album has two voices: children will be drawn to the captivating songs that explore topics like colors, animals, and a connection to the natural world. Adults will appreciate the wide range of musical styles, the educational component of the songs, and the themes of unity and hope that are woven throughout the album.

from Nathalia
Centered around the theme of connection, En la Radio consists of 10 original songs written in English and Spanish while inviting ‘radio listeners’ to explore a variety of music styles from the U.S. and Latin America. This CD switches back and forth from Spanish to English in the songs and is the perfect gift for children fluent in both languages.
from 123 Andrés
Hola, Amigo started out as a song in 123 Andrés’ debut album, and became a fan favorite. Today, the message of Hola, Amigo is more important than ever. This summer, 123 Andrés is releasing a surprise digital album – Hola, Amigo: Songs of Friendship, with remastered versions of Hola, Amigo in Spanish and English, and eight more songs that explore the theme of friendship, in two languages.
from José-Luis Orozco
José-Luis created this album with your child's fitness in mind. With each and every song, children are encouraged to get up and move. They clap, stomp, dance their way through each melody. There are nine songs sung twice; once in English and once in Spanish. You'll recognize a couple of traditional ones such as Los Pollitos.