This is a sponsored book post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. It may use affiliate links.
I have a soft spot for abecedarios. I just love books that teach the alphabet to kids... especially when they are bilingual! And today's book has one more bonus: culture.
¡Todos a comer! A Mexican Food Alphabet Book (aff) is so much fun. It includes one food or dish for each letter of the Spanish alphabet (with the exception of W). The layout of each page consists of a delicious picture with Spanish text on the top and English on the bottom.
The photos are colorful and feature some of the most popular dishes in Mexican cuisine. There are history lessons embedded in the short descriptions that will give parents additional topics to discuss.
Parents can read to their children or older children can read it on their own. This book makes a great read aloud and I love how it encourages communication between the readers. Each food description ends with a question designed to make young minds think for extended learning.
And just for fun, the author has included a picture glossary in the back of the book of Mexican cooking utensils, such as a comal, a cazuela, a molinillo and others.
Families with young children should have a growing collection of books at home to be read over and over to their little ones. And for those with children learning to read, a set of alphabet books - or abecedarios - are a must! They allow children to see how letters are used in different ways and how they make up the basis of our language. Alphabet books develop literacy skills and help prepare children to begin the process of learning to read. So it is imporant to have abecedarios that are fun, colorful, and engaging. ¡Todos a comer! does just that.
But don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling hungry after you read it!