
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dr. Bonyfide: A Fun Way to Learn the Skeletal System

I haven't shared a list of the curricula that we're using this year in our homeschool. As usual, I have not used a single curriculum but instead have shopped around for each subject. This helps me use the best resources for each subject for each child. Sometimes I use the same curriculum for both kids, and sometimes they each get their own.

One of the most fun resources that we're using this year as part of our homeschool science studies is the Dr. Bonyfide series. Have you heard of it?

It first caught my eye because it reminded me in of a calavera. (My mind runs that way.) And I thought the books looked super cute. I thought it would be a resource that I could use with both of my children at the same time (which is always a plus in my book).

So I asked if I could review the series and luckily, the great folks at Educents said "Sure!"

Dr. Bonyfide has been such a fun experience in our school that I wanted to be sure you all knew about it. I wrote down how we use it in our lessons and shared some of the awesome things you'll find inside this series. It is empowering for young minds and hearts, something that is not always easy to come by in a curriculum.

If you think this would be a great addition to your homeschool or afterschool studies, check out my review.