
Friday, May 6, 2016

Free Download: Making Words in Spanish

Teacher Appreciation Week is almost over! And I have a free download that our sponsor, Lectura para niños, wants to give you.

You may remember that Lectura para niño's creator, Leah, is a teacher herself, so she knows how valuable teachers are to our children. If you are a professional educator, homeschool parent, librarian, or simply a parent who loves to get involved in your child's education, and you have a child/student who is learning to read and write in Spanish, then this freebie is for you!

Haciendo palabras is a beginning level set of worksheets to help children begin writing words. This sample packet contains six activity pages.

The whole book comes with 217 pages (wow!). Here's a short description of it:

This homework book has 5 parts. In each mini book, there are 1-2 pages of homework for each theme you are working with. If you are working in Theme 2, you will be working with words containing the letters m, p, s and the vowels. After working for at least a week with in any theme, you can send home pages from each of the following pages.
  1. Leyendo Palabras: Whole word reading (32 pages) The student reads the words in the box above and writes the word below the corresponding picture.
  2. Busca Palabras: Word Searches (32 pages) Find the hidden words from each theme.
  3. Escribe palabras correctamente: Unscramble the words (32 pages) Unscramble the words from each theme.
  4. Escribe las palabras en cajas: Writing words in Boxes (32 pages)
  5. Corta y pega dibujos con las palabras: Cut and paste pictures to match the corresponding word (82 pages)
If you love these sample pages and would like to get the whole book, you can find it here.

For more awesome Spanish materials, especially those that teach children to read in Spanish, check out Lectura para niños on Facebook, Teachers Pay Teachers, Blog, and Pinterest.