Does your family enjoy singing villancicos or aguinaldos? A few years ago, I created a little Christmas carol booklet for our homeschool group, who sang the songs at our local nursing home. This year, after creating a set of printables about Parrandas, I was inspired to do the same with aguinaldos. And then I thought, "Why not villancicos?" So I did.
You can now find both of these wonderful little booklets in my TpT store. Just print on both sides of the paper, fold in half, and staple in the middle. They're available in black-and-white (to save on ink and allow children to color in) or full-color versions.
Both booklets are available IN SPANISH ONLY.
The villancico booklet includes the following songs:
- Noche de paz
- Arbolito, arbolito
- Mi burrito sabanero
- Los peces en el río
- Fum, fum, fum
- Dime Niño
- Adoremos
- Pastores venid
- Campana sobre campana
- El tamborilero
- Ya vienen los Reyes Magos
- Estrella de Belén
- Arbolito, arbolito
- Alegres venimos
- Pobre lechón
- Traigo un ramillete
- Las Navidades
- Alegría
- Venid Pastores
- Linda parranda
- Flores de aguinaldo
- Aguinaldo de la Trulla
Want to see what they are like? Here's a sample for you to download.
Note: These are lyrics only. Musical score not included.