
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Would You Purchase Homeschooling Curricula in Spanish?

Most of the time, the emails I receive from readers are centered around homeschooling.
Can they really do it? How hard is it?How do they start?Where do they find resources?
From time to time, I'm contacted by companies who are interested in sharing their products with me and you, the MommyMaestra readership. I give them a look and share them when I feel they would be of interest to you.

But every once in a blue moon, I receive an email from a reader who is a Latina mom that is thinking about taking that leap and starting her own business in the education field. In fact, Hispanic women are leading the way in new startups. I myself am one. So it's important for us to support each other.

I recently received an email from a reader and she asked me to take a poll for her. She only asks one, simple question:
If popular homeschool curricula (such as those highlighted in Cathy Duffy’s Top 102 Picks for Homeschool Curriculum) were published in Spanish, would you purchase it?
If you have a moment, won't you please pop over to my Facebook page and tell her yay or nay?