
Monday, November 3, 2014

Free Download: Emergent Spanish Reader Activity Booklet

Activity Booklet for Emergent Spanish Readers

This month's free download from our sponsor Lectura para niños is a wonderfully engaging little book to accompany McGraw-Hill's Lectura Maravillas reading program that Leah uses with her students. Here's what she has to say about it...

"This is a little book that I printed back to back and bound on the side. I have created two at this time, but hopefully by the time your readers download this there will be others that will continue to assist beginning Spanish readers. These little books are sequential and correlate with the Maravillas reading series. Eventually I will backtrack and start from the very beginning of this reading series to have a complete set of readers for my students. Since I have started using these with my students, the kids have really picked up on reading their letter names, sounds, and sight words.

How do I use this book?
I use the approach of “I do, we do, you do approach.”
1) First I read a line for the students, modeling what the expectation is.
2) Next, we read the line together making sure students are correctly tracking the letters/words
3) Last, I allow the students to read the lines on their own.

At the beginning/middle of the week we do mostly I do, we do. Towards the end of the week I do mostly we do, you do.

I cannot tell you how much this direct instruction reader has helped my students with the concepts they need to know! 

I hope your readers enjoy!

Here is the TPT link of where you can find more readers like this one for future reference. There will be books added weekly with more sight words added. I will post all books at 50% OFF for the first week added.

Here is my FB page where I will announce the new book that is out!"

For more awesome Spanish materials, especially those that teach children to read in Spanish, check out Lectura para niños on FacebookTeachers Pay TeachersBlog, and Pinterest.