
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Free Spanish Word Lists for Segmentation

July's free download from our sponsor, Lectura para niños is a pair of read-aloud worksheets that celebrate the 100th Day of School! Teachers, be sure to download this and save it for next year. Page one lists 100 easy syllables in Spanish, and 100 difficult syllables in Spanish for kids to master. Page two lists 100 words in Spanish for your students to read aloud.

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Word Lists with 100 Words in Spanish

Leah says:

This is a huge list of words to practice segmenting with your students. I use this daily with my kids when we practice segmenting words into syllables and or into sounds. I used to always use the same words over and over until I came up with this list. I’ve divided it into parts. At the beginning of the year, we start segmenting words into syllables only. When we segment into syllables, I tell the kids to touch their head for the first syllable, then their shoulders, hips, knees, toes, and back up their bodies if it is a longer word. By mid-year, their favorite word to segment is espantapajaros. It is so fun, they keep asking to segment the word slow, then fast!

The word categories are broken up into:

1) Words with open syllables
2) Words with closed syllables and blends
3) Words with diphthongs
4) Words with hiatus

This list has been helpful for my paras who come in and teach small group reading as well as subs who don’t have a strong foundation of segmenting words in Spanish.

Once the students have mastered segmenting words into syllables, I start segmenting syllables into sounds, and finally words into sounds. We are required to segment on one of our state assessments.

Tools for Reading Aloud

You might also consider using some of these aides designed to help students read aloud. 

Auditory Feedback Phone
Note: These are GREAT for helping children with pronunciation!!

For more awesome Spanish materials, especially those that teach children to read in Spanish, check out Lectura para niños on FacebookTeachers Pay Teachers, and Pinterest.

Other Posts for Celebrating the 100th Day of School