
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

L4LL Announces 2nd Annual Día Blog Hop

I have been very slow to post on MommyMaestra lately. And here is just one of the reasons: Today, Latinas for Latino Lit (of which I am a co-founder with my partner Viviana Hurtado) is announcing our 2nd annual Día Blog Hop!

Two dozen (24!!!) Latino authors and/or illustrators have been paired with 24 Latina bloggers, and all of them have enthusiastically agreed once again to support Latino children's literacy. Each day, beginning April 6th, a different blog will host a different author/illustrator on their site. The article they've submitted are moving and passionate, sharing with all of us a glimpse into their lives and what motivates them to write for children.

You can find the complete schedule here on the L4LL website. I hope you'll follow along. Here on MommyMaestra, I'll be hosting author Amy Costales next Monday, April 7th.

The Día Blog Hop will end on April 30th (Día de los Niños, Día de los Libros) with a special announcement.

Gracias to all the authors, illustrators, and bloggers for supporting Latino children's literacy!