
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boo Bags! Combining Two Traditions

Last year, after answering the doorbell to a "ghost," we were pleasantly surprised to find a Halloween goody bag on our front steps with the following message attached:

 Soon Halloween will come to all. 
Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore... 
Tricky witches at your door. 
 The Spooks are after things to do, 
 In fact a spook brought this "Boo" to you! 
The excitement comes when friends like you, 
Copy this note and make it two. 
 We'll all have smiles upon our faces, 
No one will know who "Boo"ed your places! 
Just two short days to work your spell, 
 Keep it secret, hide it well. 
Please join the fun, the season is here. 
 Just spread these "Boo's" and Halloween cheer.

Of course, we joined the fun! This year, along with tasty treats, Halloween stickers and glow-in-the-dark fangs, we also included a Day of the Dead Activity Book I purchased through Oriental Trading. I really wanted my boys to have this book, but I realized that they came in a pack of 12. Having already bought the goody bags to fill, I thought it was a fantastic deal given the the books are full of educational information and loads of fun! So we put them in there! My six year-old, Diego, thought they would be a great hint to his neighborhood friends that the Boo Bags were from him!

My two older boys were involved in filling the bags, although Diego was the only one running in the night, ringing the doorbell and running for his life! You can't get caught while out ghosting your friends! I have to admit that parents have a great time waiting in the getaway car for their little ghosts!

This mama approves of the Day of the Dead Activity Book

Boo Bags ready! Leave it to this teacher-mom to find a way to combine a tradition that is new to us and to incorporate one that has existed in our Mexican culture for so long. Have a safe and happy Halloween! 


Betty Galvan, is helping her readers "find the positive and seek the benefits" over at her blog,

She is the mother of three beautiful little boys and a teacher.