The College Board is one of the best and most comprehensive online sites for college-bound students and their families. Their goal is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to prepare for, enroll in, and graduate from college. They run a number of College Readiness programs including-
They also manage the SATs, SAT prep programs, and provide online tools like BigFuture, financial aid and scholarship search options, and a local/national college search.
The reality is that even though more Latino students are applying for and getting accepted to college, many are unprepared and lack the skills necessary to successfully navigate the system and earn a college degree. AP classes not only allow students to develop the skills they'll need for college classes, but they also give students the opportunity to get credit for college courses so that they can concentrate on other subjects or take more advanced classes once they enter.
There have often been critics of Latino students who take Spanish AP classes, but in fact this class is a great introduction to other AP classes and helps to build their confidence making them more likely to enroll in other AP classes. Unfortunately, many Latino students attend low-income schools that do not offer these courses. Teachers may require extra training and materials that schools cannot afford, or do not want to allocate. So the College Board advocates for these opportunities for students across the country.
If you know a high school student who is serious about college, take the time to direct them to the College Board where they'll find plenty of information to help them on their path to higher education.