
Friday, March 30, 2012

Strawberry Avocado Freeze {RECIPE}

by Angelica

My mom loves her freezers. She has two freezers jammed packed with fruit and vegetables from every season. At first, my dad thought she was taking her freezer obsession overboard until he began to reap the benefits. She makes homemade rapsas, ice cream, popsicles and aguas (water) all from her freezer. My family loves to have a healthier version of sweet treats available year round. She loves to play with flavor combinations and laughs as we rack our brains guessing what she added to the mix. One day she made raspas out of frozen honeydew and peas, peas? It was great! The next week she made ice cream with frozen corn and peaches. Yum!

She mixes fruit and vegetable to boost the nutrional value in our treats. So sneaky! So clever!

Taking the time to freeze fruits and vegetables from each season allows you to have healthy options instead of consuming pre-made frozen desserts that are packed with fillers. Loaded with sugar, sodium and fat these products leave you feeling tired, gloomy and sluggish.

I have begun to experiment with my favorite flavors and am happy with the results. Frozen strawberries are blended together with avocado to make a quick freeze. Blend until smooth or you could end up with big strawberry chunks, which is good also. Try this freeze with blackberries or blueberries or blend and drink as a smoothie. If your berries are sweet you can cut the agave out altogether.

Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit. From the

Strawberry Avocado Freeze

Serves 4

2 cups frozen strawberries
½ ripe avocado
½ cup milk
2 tsp agave

Place all ingredients in a food processor and puree. Place in freezer and freeze.


Angelica ~ A 12-year-old homeschooler with dreams of becoming a pastry chef.

Addicted to comics, food network, and carnival rides, Angelica loves taking over her mom's kitchen. She is currently working on perfecting her pie crust while her family reaps the benefits. You can find her sharing her baking skills over at Sweet Life.