
Friday, June 24, 2011

Presentations and Vacations...

You haven't heard too much from me this week because all of our energy was focused on preparing for my daughter's 4-H presentation today. To be quite honest, we dragged our feet on this one. Once summer hit and we officially finished school, we've been enjoying the break. Which means that we procrastinated.

I almost decided to just pull her out of this year's event, but I'm so glad we didn't. This week involved a lot of work, made even more difficult by the arrival of 'Buelita (who is a wanted and much-loved distraction), as well as a summer camp here in town which my children attended each morning. Throw in our local library's official summer reading kick-off, and - well, you get the picture.

But I was proud, proud, proud this morning when she stood before the judges and gave a fantastic presentation, complete with 4 posters/boards on the topic: The Lives of Hummingbirds.

She spent hours the last couple of weeks typing up her notes, taking and printing pictures, coloring in range maps and flowers and hummingbirds, cutting out pictures and framing them, labeling her work and then gluing it all down. Finally, last night we had her practice her presentation in front of a bunch of my husband's co-workers (all of whom are bird people), and she passed the "test" with flying colors.

But the main reason I am so glad we did push forward and get it done in time, was the look on my daughter's face this afternoon when she received her ribbon from the District. Priceless.

My daughter is still in the "Cloverbud" class, whose members participate in a non-competetive version of the presentations (older kids compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd). So after their presentations, all the children receive a ribbon in recognition of her hard work. Bravo, m'ija!!

And although I know that many of you are waiting for me to discuss curricula, and share resources to maybe help you prepare for this next coming school year, my family and I are going to take some time off to celebrate. And so next week, MommyMaestra will be "Off on Vacation." I can't wait to tell you all about it.

I hope you all take the time to relax and enjoy each other this summer. Even small breaks are valuable moments of time in which we all can bond with our familias and re-energize before another school year.

What is your familia doing this summer just for fun?

Hasta pronto!

