
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Handmade Gifts for Your Kids to Make

My 'Buelita was a master gardener. Not officially (this was back before they had such titles and programs!), but she loved to garden. Her backyard was lush and green, and lovingly tended. I remember spending hours out there digging, watering, planting, playing, and daydreaming. I can remember the gloriously giant roses she grew along her back fence, the rows of corn that grew tall in the summer, the bird-of-paradise flowers that bloomed so strangely in pots on her back porch, and succulents out the ying-yang. And she would often trade plants with her friends and family.

This is the first thought that came to my mind when I read Lucia's post, Gifts from Nature: Gifts of Green, over on The Magnifying Glass blog. I have been a devoted reader since it's inception, and for those of you looking for nature-themed gifts that your children can create on their own, be sure to head over there and take a look at their Gifts from Nature series. They have a lot of simple, but beautiful, ideas, including:

• kindling bundles for papi or abuelo
• cinnamon scented pinecones for 'buelita
• sand and shell candles for las tías!
• and much, much more!

Con mucho cariño...