I know that there are many Latinas out there who are either homeschooling their niños, or who looking for ways to supplement and be involved in their children's education. Some of you are raising kids in Spanish only knowing that it is only a matter of time before they learn English. Some of you are raising your kids in English, with an emphasis on their bicultural heritage. And others, like me, are somewhere in the middle trying to give your kids a strong education that is a mix of the two languages and cultures.
So here are some of the plans I have for the coming months:
A few homeschooling Latinas have graciously agreed to share their experiences in homeschooling. My goal is a series of monthly posts focusing on Latinas who are homeschooling their children in each of the ways I mentioned above. I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, questions about this subject, too. Please consider sharing your story with all of us. I know that as mothers, we are always in need of encouragement and inspiration for this monumental (but ultimately joyous!) job that we undertake everyday.
Also, in August, we will begin our first "Virtual Week Abroad Series" here on MommyMaestra. I would love to challenge you all to engage in some sort of similar activity with your own children and share it with us.
If you are like me and you can't always take your kids everywhere you want to, then the next best thing is to learn about the culture. Maybe even do a week long unit study! I've been giving serious consideration to doing this once a month, or once every other month anyway, because I want so much for my kids to grow up appreciating other cultures. We already read a lot of multicultural books, but I've decided that necesitamos más.
So to start us all off, here is THE WEBSITE that serves as the inspiration for our first Virtual Trip. It is in Spanish, but you can use Google Translate to read it in English if you prefer.